:chart: A web app to search twitter based on #Hashtags and calculate the sentiment of tweets.
A web app to search the keywords(Hashtags) on Twitter and analyze the sentiments of it. The source code is written in PHP and it performs Sentiment Analysis on Tweets by using the Datumbox API.
Check live demo here!
Sign-up for free API Key: Click here!
View your API Key: Click here!
PHP Twitter API Client: Click here!
Open config.php and configure your Datumbox API Key. Get yours at http://www.datumbox.com/apikeys/view/
Get Twitter API key for your application at https://dev.twitter.com/apps
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your API keys
Run localhost/index.php
Wait a while after entering the hashtags. It may take one minute to fetch the tweets. Make sure that your system is connected with internet.
The project is about searching the twitter for job opportunities using popular #hashtags and applying sentiment analysis on this.
Thank you for being here! For any kind of help in running this project, feel free to contact me @ vinitshahdeo@gmail.com
MIT © Vinit Shahdeo